General Discussion

General DiscussionToxic players

Toxic players in General Discussion
Billie Eyelash

    I just finished a game with a bunch of trolls in my team and really really toxic.I got reported for 'complaining'???what the fuck is this?QOP AND NP KEEPS UPGRADING THEIR FUCKING DAGON THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME!Lesson learned,never to smurf again take a look at my game

    Billie Eyelash

      I actually can't take it anymore!This always happens when I solo

      grasp truism,find ultra p...

        even though they did not pick up dagon it is still hard to play in late game. pa is a am counter and ember deals a lot dmg. your team.need a lot mid game gank and push.

        Billie Eyelash

          AM and NP went jungle while I solo top against PA.How does that work out??


            Use words right they're born noobs not just toxic.
            Complaining about it just a waste just swear at them with paragraphs and how they should kill themselves If you want but complaning won't change anything

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              You'll have bad games, just play and see what you can learn from those games and hope to not get paired with shit again.

              Billie Eyelash

                @THIS GAME IS SO SHIET.How about noobs and toxic??

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Nothing you can really do about that.
                  If you lose 2 ranked games, stop playing ranked for a few hours or the day. Try some arcade mode, relax, grab a snack, smoke a bowl. THEN, go back to ranked after the negativity subsides.

                  Remember: emotion can impact your gameplay. If you're in a bad mood you'll keep your red day going.


                    It's base on your gameplay , that's why there is Ns HS and vhs if you play well then your enemy and teammates are good players too

                    Billie Eyelash

                      Honestly,all those HS and VHS bracket is cuz I was playing 5 stack with friends

                      Billie Eyelash

                        @Mocha Bloke,I understand.Thx for the tips!Funny thing is my friends said I'm like rage

                        King of Low Prio

                          You smurf to ruin other people's games and complain about people ruining your game.....

                          Billie Eyelash

                            Bro,most of my games are from can you say I ruin other people's games?

                            Billie Eyelash

                              If im the only smurf in the party,surely theres one smurfs as well from the enemy team.You can't really say I ruin people's games


                                born noobs are like, ursa/pa/huskar/trollwarload/riki picker with 49% or below winrate, or 30min without flying courrier, common in sea, cant expect any good pub in a 3rd world country, bad player quality plus their(our) ISP is problematic.

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  Smurfs fuck games tbh.

                                  I had a 4k account when the bot matches with real players thing worked lol, I maintained that account but forgot the info. If you saw hypno toad in 4k that was more than likely me.

                                  But my OCD kicked in, and I felt a little weird since my main account has a lot of history and I like my stats being recorded. I'm a little upset that I thought my stats were recorded and if you check my account there is like 5 - 8 monhts of no data recorded.

                                  Which is why Huskar is my "most played" which is utter bs, especially since I have had way more games with other heroes than Huskie.

                                  Anyway, point being, stick to your main, and work hard to get up since you will learn across all brackets.

                                  mga bobo

                                    @Mocha Bloke. HI,this is my main account..yea I'm planning to up my solo mmr which is 1.5k...calibrated too early lol

                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      Yikes, that will take a lot of work, but you can do it. 2 years ago I calibrated to 1.4, then about 16 months later I was in 3k, and recently (in mid February this year) I fell from 3.1 to 2.6 and have currently been stuck in 2.7, but I know I'll get back to 3k o my way to 4k and so forth. It just takes a lot of time.

                                      Don't give up, man. My advice is to not get too stressed, if you lose two ranked games in a row, then normal queue or do arcade for a few hours or the rest of the day before queuing for ranked again.

                                      I haven't been in 1k in over 2 years, but I know the hell that it is lol, but you will learn things as you advance.

                                      Don't give up, man!

                                      mga bobo

                                        wow that is impressive man!Question,how long did it take you to escape from 1k?It seems lots of work right?


                                          really? few of the persons i knew are simply newbs, who never learn anything in the past 30 level (500game more or less), for instance, found out they couldnt survive in that certain bracket, then go smurf and never improve, all they learn is blasting their teammate

                                          to mocha, your supports pool looking great, but you cant trust a pub carry in 1~2k range, kinda stuck in a loop, try practice mid zeus maybe, keep up!

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          mga bobo

                                   of the main reason why I decided to smurf its because I want to know which bracket I really am.So far,in that account,I've been matched with 2.7k -3k.

                                            mga bobo

                                              Not the best..i know.Like I said,I just want to find out where I am


                                                lol, your hero pool is much wider than most of the ursa picker already, sf n rubick they aint easy hero...

                                                mga bobo

                                                  are you talking about my smurf or my main?(which is this one)

                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                    @BeAr To get out of 1k it took me about 4 months. 1.9 was the hardest, but when I got to 2.1 the games were pretty smooth. It IS a lot of work though. The best way to get out of the bracket is by NOT supporting. 1k is such garbage that your best bet is picking a mid-game hero/nuker and buying wards and courier yourself. I haven't played in 1k in a long time but ik the players are too casual/toxic in that pool.

                                                    @Egoist Thank you, that means a lot! Supports (especially in 2k where it is 100x more toxic than 4k which says a lot) get so much shit in that bracket. I have to agree about supporting in 2k. I actually enjoy supporting (especially since I often play while stoned) but midding is something I tried two days ago and I notice I have far more control of the game flow if I mid in 2k. When I get back to 3k I can't wait to support. XD

                                                    Magbalugtong Jr.

                                                      Thats why there is a mute botton, if u wanna be a high mmr player learn to mute and just ignore them. sometimes complaining or flaming ur teammates affects ur game. u will lose focus which results to lots of mistakes

                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                        Very true!

                                                        Muting toxic players helps! Don't be that player that responds to that angry flamer talking shit about his team ALL GAME. You are not helping by responding, simply mute that player and you should be fine, otherwise you are participating in being part of the reason of the loss.

                                                        Note: I hate the new mute thing. When I want to mute someone, I want to mute someone, not just text or just voice, I want both muted lol

                                                        Eternal Meow

                                                          Lots of toxic players start the game toxic. They are dissing people at the fountain as soon as the game loads. They sound like they are on heavy drugs. There should be a way to end a game early without penalty when you are paired with such people. I don't want to play with them and I don't want an abandon either. But it's a guaranteed loss unless the other team is doing the same thing.

                                                          Responding to them makes you play worse and makes them only pick on you. Muting them helps but lately I can only mute mic or text, not both. If they figure out they are muted they will start constantly pinging on you for the rest of the game. I report them, then when next game loads they are on my team again. There should be a way to not be paired with them again. There are plenty of people playing this game that it shouldn't have to put us together again.

                                                          I only respond to try to calm them down. Not flame back at them, but it makes them more angry. I don't think it's possible to calm them down.

                                                          mga bobo

                                                            For some reason..even thought I mute them,I can still see their message.How is that possible??

                                                            Eternal Meow

                                                              ^ It's been like that since a recent update. You can mute voice or text, not both.

                                                              Player 215168758

                                                                Yeah 2k games are.really hard ,specially when there's spec on enemy's side. You can only exploit their mistakes and try to push, enemy will start to aim u badly if u play good, and if your team dont give a shit to protect u you will done :D deals more damage = dead by dispersion damage

                                                                Cosmic Power

                                                                  When people are on loosing streak they usualy beacome toxic. Best solution is mute them at begining of game then alarm other teamamtes to mute them. Because toxic will try to find another wictim to complain. Only chance to save game.


                                                                    I have friends in his main he have 1k++ games already but still stuck in 1.4k. He always blame his teamate then he decided to make a new a account and then calibrated at 2.5 he go down back to 1k. So the moral of the story is...

                                                                    mga bobo

                                                                      ^LOL...well I think your friend is really shit then.Welp,can't be helped if he decided to be this toxic