General Discussion

General Discussionzeus

zeus in General Discussion
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    So i see this guy has a huge winrate for some patches, and now sees some love as a mid hero, especially by NA teams(EG runs it for Sumail pretty often it seems) and some support play by Chinese teams(mostly newbee with chuan).

    So where do you play him? Mid or support?

    Aether Lens vs Veil? Both? I can see both working on support zeus, but on core i would prefer taking one and going for other bigger items.

    When its bad to pick him? When its good to pick him?


      Don't get greedy with Zeus, that's all I will say. Killstealing is not a good idea, especially when there's a lategame carry in your team who needs that farm you just stole.
      I watch a lot of Zeus games my friends play, and they either play him as a support if their team is more core-oriented or go mid if the team already has established supports.
      And from my experience, I always see a successful Zeus using Aether Lens to achieve sniper-like range and nuke from a distance (That way, you can stay safe and let your teammates do the brawling for you, while pumping out significant damage yourself)

      Pale Mannie

        Veil + Aether Lens blows even tanky heroes away with some help i noticed today


          lens is super overated i think, its only really useful if u need it for defending early pushes if not other mobility items are better
          veil almost always, its too good now
          pick him when u have ample control and just need more damage
          good for defending siege.
          bad against gap closer
          weak against slippery heroes since u offer no control
          mid zeus is weak against laners who are weak early, since its pretty hard for him to punish people, hes just very good at getting farm but bad at denying farm, so if u fight an sf mid hes just going to get free souls etc
          if u fight weak laners like dk or whatever u can think of hes just going to get same cs as u. essentially u just let them outgreed you
          offlane zeus is weak against strong soloes, i had really hard times when they just put a huskar/viper/clinkz/necro against me. also super gap closers like pa or whatever. pretty awful when u play against non retarded supports who dont let you do gimmicks like blocking the first range creep etc
          support zeus is obviously awful in lane, all you can do is pull, if you want to paly supoprt zeus best is go duo off

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