General Discussion

General DiscussionStarcraft 2

Starcraft 2 in General Discussion

    Anyone here with a bought account that wants to play with me? I'm bad as fuck probably bronze but I know how to play Terran decently.

    Cba playing CSGO and I'm LP on Dota2 so I need some other game to play.

    Riguma Borusu

      Don't you have a dota 2 smurf?


        I do but I don't wanna play dota2 at all lol when I get into LP it just kills my interest for this game and I take 2 weeks break.

        Riguma Borusu

          rofl, can't you like get out of it in 2-3 games? Or do you have to win 5 games every time? I had a ton of luck last time I played in LP, it was only two wins necessary, and the enemy fed on purpose in both games, what a heaven.

          Anyway I bought sc2 on a bnet account, but I have like total 5 hours of it, wasn't too interested in it when I bought it (and was too busy spamming sven/shitstain commander).

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            You need to win all 5, I won 2 games and then lost 3 in arow because nobody plays serious, and intentionally feeds and picks 5 carries.

            Do you wanna play Sc2?

            Riguma Borusu

              ^I kinda edited an answer into it up there but yeah, not too into sc2, friends are calling me to play it but I can't be arsed somehow. Also, 5 games is hell, man, I really hope I never have to deal with it, I'd probably format the drive DotA's on if I had to go through with it haha.

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                It's actually a really fun game, I haven't reached the point where I became bored yet and I have played it for a while already. I do play with my other friend sometimes but he's not as interested as I am into the game so I'm dependent (if thats how you say it) on him, because he has the bought version and I don't if he doesn't want to play I can't play ranked so I'm forced to play casual games and that is so boring lol.

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                Riguma Borusu

                  SC2 is mainly boring to me because I don't have any grasp on the game yet, DotA 2 was boring to me too when I started playing around a year ago, basically I just fed like an idiot, did nothing, bought shit items and instapicked axe every game. I guess to really have fun with sc2 I'd have to get into it, and I can't really be bothered.


                    Well yeah that's understandable, alright man it's up to you.