General Discussion

General Discussioncan you spot when he hired a booster?

can you spot when he hired a booster? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    and still in normal skill after more than a month rofl

      I think this is the first game of suddenly superhigh kda and a change to high skill-cap heroes.

      So far there are 64 games with 81.25% winrate averageing about 20 kills and KDA of 5. Mostly Invoker, TA, and Ember. But it seems the booster runs into an occasional game where there is someone else also extremely underated opposing him.

      He lost this game to an out of control Ursa.

      So far net gain of about 1000 MMR and has not made it to High Skill.

      If this is correct he was up +17 wins from the start before the booster so he may have calibrated unranked as low as 1700 or lower at the start.

      To start at that low MMR 4 of the first ten games were wins and the KDA was 1.6.

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