General Discussion

General DiscussionAbbadon - Is this hero legit?

Abbadon - Is this hero legit? in General Discussion
Elo - Hell

    so i just played a 72min match where we came back from megas, and i felt the impact you can have on abbadon is absolutely insane.
    having Aghs on the hero has to be 100% core for sure, being able to double my teams EHP while stopping them from being cc'd with my shield.

    we've all seen the rofl stomp SNY, MOM abbadons run down supports in the lower brackets, however what do you think is a good standard item progression for Abbadon, laning and postion.
    I find him in the offlane to be decent enough, or farming in an aggro tri. Support abbadon just feels kinda lack luster, but yeah

    any boss abbadon players got some insight on this guy, I've played like 4k games but never went late with abbadon.
    Seems pretty legit as a hero


      i think youre right, heroes like dazzle can be game changing even in late game with just brown boots but not abbadon, a support abbadon fall off hard unless youre against batrider, bm or some other rare cases. This hero needs some level of farm to scale lategame, i think you can play him even as hc with some weird build like radiance, aghs, bkb, refresher (sys madness basher is shit lategame) as a pure teamfight hero.


        There was a thread by top 100 5k abbadon player (awakend) sometime back. You can google that old thread for all his insights into LOA.


          Rad/Oct/Aghs core is sick as shit on him...

          Riguma Borusu

            Abaddon is actually pretty good against doom, you can eat the spell and not care about it too much, and you can help those who are hit by it. And considering Doom's very popular right now, Abaddon's pretty solid atm I think. Probably works best as 3 or 4 I think, should be good in dual offlane, you really don't want him to be pos 5 in farm priority because even though he can survive long as a 5, it puts him in a way less useful position. If you're 3 or 4 you can farm some utility items and auras to help your team teamfight and survive, as a pos 5 you're not gonna have much, and even if you survive for a while you'll have a shit health pool and mana problems. Also if you're building mek you really want gg boots because you don't have the manapool for mek, and even though tranquil boots are pretty good on abba, arcanes are the way to go now that gg boots are in the game, they have a great synergy with his abilities in general.

            If you manage to get aghs, though, it's almost broken, aside from all stats being useful to you, it's also great because your ult is no longer "fixed" by euls or simply ignoring you.

            The way I'd build Abaddon in 6.85 is basically:
            Pos 4:
            Guardian Greaves, Urn, Drums, Vlads and be a healing/regen powerhouse
            Pos 3:
            Guardian Greaves, Aghs, AC, Vlads, Radiance, and 6th slot (if you're going that far) should be pretty optional, depending on what you need. Radiance's pretty good if you're able to farm it though, but I am not so sure you shuold straight up rush it, you want to fight early and fight a lot, so it's probably not ideal. You can get drums early as a pos 3 too because the item helps you a lot with chasing and your horrible mana pool. You're gonna get more levels as a pos 3 generally so you're gonna have a larger mana pool sooner, so a utility item's pretty good too, you can even go for refresher if that's what you need for longer fights. I think Aba's pretty terrible as position 1 and 2 because he simply takes too much time to cast his spells and although his ult's cool it's also heavily countered by euls and your autoattack damage build is going to be outcarried by virtually any carry because although your passive gives you advantage similar to troll's fervor, it's actually pretty dogshit compared to abilities like crits, or spells that help you carry instead of healing your teammates and just straight up surviving while not really doing much otherwise. But on rightclick abaddon, you'd want to just stack up damage and get a BKB so you survive longer, going AC/Abyssal's pretty good if you have to right click people, followed by something like SnY and/or Skadi for stats. In which case why not pick a proper carry who scales better and has better damage without stacking a ton of items. And has abilities that don't have shitty cast time that take a lot of your time you should be attacking.

            I'd like to hear some 1000 game VHS Abaddon players put some of their thoughts in too since I really don't have much experience with the hero, aside from what I've seen succeed (and fail), in my games or otherwise.

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              He have the same problem as Omni Knight, despite the hero being very strong on paper, there is just no effective way to lane him. You can scrap by if the enemies are passive, but your life will quickly turns sh*t if the enemy got a roamer

              Riguma Borusu

                Omni and Aba's laning problems are solved by partnering them. Omni's okay in a defensive trilane, just like Aba, though I should probably wonder why you're not picking dazzle over either of them. But those two heroes are also okay when paired with good and/or aggressive laners, because they can create space for you to go full retard if you pull the aggression off well enough.


                  One question now that we talking bout aghs on abba, when you're redirecting that 50% percent damage, does blademail work?
                  So that, given an AOE spell hitting 5 man while you use ult and bm, does the attacker take 300% return damage? That would be crazy damage (assuming the circumstances for this are rare to happen)

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Does not work sadly.

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                      saving private RTZ

                        This hero is all about the first 15-20 mins, because he is so good at winning those fights. If u want a hero that keeps your idiots alive lategame pick omniknight