General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do u even lose when u have this team

How do u even lose when u have this team in General Discussion
Hatsune Miku

    I wanna be the very best like normal skill ever was
    to farm is my real test and to carry is my cause

    stupid rats stopping me to be number 1


      Normal Skill

      D the Superior
        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

          dat battlefury LS senpai doe


            its as simple as i can break it down:
            when u have advantage start pushing.
            (only go to 'outfarm' mode when u r waiting on very impactful items)
            u could have easily finished that game just by having team sit behind u and solo hit tower. if enemy commit u wipe em. if they dont u take rax.


              ^ I think the other team rat the shit out of them, look SS alche and WR item builds and tower damage.
              Against a full rat strat you can break high ground take the tower, skip rax and go straight throne sometimes all in is the only way to win against a team like that.