General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR progression

MMR progression in General Discussion

    if I calibrated at 1700 mmr (bear in mind dota is my first and only moba) and have over a year and half climbed to 3.4k is that good progression?

    plz do

      what kind of answer are u expecting here? someone giving u a compliment about how impressive ur skills are?
      its mediocre progression. like normal - if u play a lot u will climb ezly to 4k. if u were good, u would've reached 5k by now.


        I've heard stories where someone who hasn't even touched mobas played it for 2 years and now sitting @ 7.1k mmr. Now that is actually impressive. Look at this and compare to your progress and you should find the answer.


          Depends. Do you play ranked solo games on regular daily base?

          If so, what's your current mmr?

          If you don't, how much solo ranked games you played after you reached 3.4k?

          It's nice improvment, but 3.4k ain't really some special magical number. Just a bit aboce average.


            2.4k is the average I thought

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              Don't feel bad at the hate comments below.
              If dota is your first MOBA you have played, It's a really good progression, I know many players that played Warcraft or games with similar mechanics and can't climb from 3k or 4k.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                Yes that is good.


                  Depends on how often you play and how casually you approach the game. If you tryharded for half a year, like really try harded, that climb is not necessarily that surprising. Still admirable though. Regardless, good job and keep it up


                    dota is my first moba, too.

                    I played at normal bracket for 700 games, right now a mid 4k boy.


                      I didn't want people to jump down my throat i wanted to know what peoples thought were. so to those who have helped with both positives and constructive criticisms as well as comparisons thank you :)


                        Oh! according to this Site no one is good unless you're above 7000


                          First colume represents % of players below MMR given in 2nd colume

                          players MMR

                          5% 1100
                          10% 1500
                          25% 2000
                          50% 2250
                          75% 2731
                          90% 3200
                          95% 3900
                          99% 4100

                          From this you can figure out that you climbed from bottom 1/4 to top 10%, witch i find quite good progression.

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                          < blank >

                            N O R M A L  S K I L L


                              even being in the top 10% you're still considered bad


                                that shit was right when ranked came out and top mmr was like 5500


                                  this stats are irrelevant now,
                                  the percentiles refer to the hidden mmr distribution in mid 2013, right b4 the ranked system was introduced.


                                    Well i dont think it got changed significantly, and why would it, since its ranks you relative to other players, meaning if you increase rating someone else had to have it decreased. That way global distribution of rating remains more or less the same.


                                      the media. shouldnt have changed much, but the standard deviation did. the hap between top players and beginners increases over time (reasons are obvious), and the smurfs have a huge impact on current mmr distribution, too.


                                        I agree. In reality there will be more 1-2k players (who are low skilled) and 4-5k players(above average and high skilled) than it used to be cos of matter of time. But still i think its not more 4k+ players than 7-8%


                                          You have a good winrate in ranked and in normal games and your kdas look decent, so i'd say you're doing good but tehre will always be people who improves faster because of more playing time or whatever, just focus on your game because you're doing fine so far.

                                          yung griphook

                                            damn man thats impressive. any tips?


                                              Pro-level players taking MMR from the 5ks does almost nothing to impact the MMR distribution. It merely fills out the previously empty tail of the curve for the top 0.01%.

                                              There is no reason to believe the percentile ranks have changed much at all from when they were first published. Overtime as the community of dota players became more experienced the value of a given MMR increased somewhat. But that doesn't change the percentile rank either. A 4k player today is a better player than a 4k player two years ago. But the percentile rank remains the same because its a measure relative to other players.

                                              Now it is possible to see all the time that the very highest MMR game in the world is usually barely over 6k MMR average. And it quickly drops off into 5k territory. Almost all dota players are below 3k MMR. Some people on dotabuff will insist that anyone below 5k MMR is bad at dota - its a relative thing. Anyone can dominate a game 1,000 MMR points below them easily would consistently lose games 1,000 MMR points above them.

                                              I think the best way to think about your progress or the distance between one MMR and another is to measure it in terms of win streaks. Each game is 25 points. So a 200 point gain means you need an 8 game win streak to reach that point. A 1000 MMR change is the equivalent of a 40 game win streak. Are you so much better than your current MMR that you could go on a 40 game win streak?

                                              The bottom of Very High skill level is approximately a 22 game win streak better than the best Normal game skills.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                thanks for the input guys


                                                  I calibrated 2000 solo and got to 4840, I should get a medal.


                                                    @I Hanter I i have only played a third as many games as you dude so hopefully ill get there soon