General Discussion

General DiscussionConfirmed by the ICEFROG himself! 6.85 will be announced next week!

Confirmed by the ICEFROG himself! 6.85 will be announced next week! in General Discussion

    hype why?


      "Most likely next week"

      Bye-Bye Ouchies!

        Gyro is balanced in all but rocket barrage, everything ese is balanced on him. But the op rocket barrage gives him to much early game snowballing


          pretty sure blood only recieved nerfs and got better! his thrist vision got reduced

          Livin' Real Good
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            Livin' Real Good

              I get the feeling it's today, or patch notes today or something, it's Thursday, valve does updates this day.
              Very excited to see the Blood Seeker nerfs, Leshrac nerfs, and hopefully minor nerfs to storm, Lina and queen.

              make it so venge can swap then stun the enemy for 1 (or .90) second after swapping, too many times my team mates have reacted so slow after i swapped, and they need at least a second to register that i swapped the enemy hero! This will give her a chance to actually walk up and stun, not have the enemy walk away closer to safety, then get stunned, and have half the distance of her ult wasted cause she had to walk up to enemy and stun for your team, I dunno, I think that's a great suggestion.

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              Livin' Real Good

                I was gonna say Lina doesn't need nerfs until i thought about 6.83, and I remember how many people picked her , but not nearly as much as now, most people didn't know, but I think (my opinion)she was actually BETTER in that meta, AGS even increased the RANGE of her ult, it was insane. When they picked Sniper, I knew I could rape him with one easy EULSAGS nuke combo, easy. Also since there was less emphasis on team fighting, she had lots of chances to get many blink, euls, ags, nuke combo pick offs, that's just me. She was definitely a go to support last meta too, only reason I have less than 4.0KD with her is cause I play her mostly support 90% of the time. With a Euls, she can be come the scariest support in the game mid-game.

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                  When I played in team, after 6.83 was released, we used to pick carry Lina. Midas, aghs, optional mom/bloodstone/blink etc.
                  Destroyed completely any squishy carry. Was extremely good against lifestealer picks.




                      nobody wants sniper to be relevant again. Revive Tidehunter, ye dota gods!

                      Bad Intentions

                        Today is the day boyz, get your pc ready for a 1gb patch!


                          valve days will like before christmast


                            6.85 the rise of OMNIKNIGHT AND SNIPER


                              Make pudge harder to play so idiots will stop picking him before I can.


                                Drow Ranger
                                Precision Aura bonus damage increased from 18/24/30/36% to 20/26/32/38%
                                Precision Aura cooldown reduced from 120 to 100


                                  Troll post. Who wants to buff the drow???


                                    Base damage reduced by 4
                                    Lightning Storm jump distance reduced from 650 to 475
                                    Lightning Storm damage reduced from 80/140/200/260 to 50/100/150/200


                                      Sacrifice no longer splits XP with enemies
                                      Chain Frost projectile speed increased from 750 to 850
                                      Chain Frost attack speed slow increased from 20 to 30 [?]


                                        Spirit Breaker
                                        Greater Bash now uses pseudo random chance



                                          Eul's Scepter of Divinity
                                          Cyclone cast range reduced from 700 to 575

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            LETS GO BOYZ