General Discussion

General DiscussionIt's not the # of games, but the quality of games

It's not the # of games, but the quality of games in General Discussion

    If you want to get better, it's not just about the # of games...


      YNIT smurf?


        its mostly about your attitude and desire to learn, rather than just the skill level of the games.


          ynit plays some shitty game now, idr which one (not dota, i mean)


            how can you not learn anything from 13k games :D


              he is playing for fun guys


                why you going out of your way to demean this guy

                and clearly the dude isn't trying very hard to boost his mmr


                  "It's not about the size of your gun, it's how you use it"

                  ~ any asian man :horse:


                    its pretty easy. when im tired and just want to relax, i play automatically and dont even try to learn anything. if for some reason i was always tired, i would be still very bad despite the 6-7 k games i played.


                      oh wait i actually am very bad


                        looks like that guy is tired 24/7


                          chronic fatigue 4Head


                            4 of the top 5 most hours spent are below 50% win rate.
                            i'm not trying to bash anyone - there are lot of dotabuffers already do that by nature.

                            My only point is...
                            - Not all elements of skill level can be improved by sheer repetition.
                            - If you want to improve you have to be conscious and systematic of your progress and development

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              all the elements of skill level can be improved by repitition as long as you want to learn and focus on it

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                i think the greatest thing you can accumulate from a vast number of games is the 'game sense' tho, some people get it faster than others and etc but it's the penultimate skill to get that you can't practise and obtain in a tiny amount of games


                                  8.8.2015 3W / 14L
                                  WTF?! This guys played 17 Games a day oO Thats roughly 17 Hours Doto... no wonder he is tired xD


                                    i played 23 once


                                      13k matches played, still normal skill 4Head


                                        a lot of people are making the same mistake, selecting one parameter to have an understanding of a certain player's skill. i said many times and im saying it again, you must look at least 10 different parameters to decide the skill of a player

                                        p.s. 13k games in the past 35 months, which is like 12 games every single day for the past +1000 days, im not even mad, thats amazing.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Maybe he's not the only one playing on that account, you know.


                                            He spams games all day, which means he's prone to fatigue and tilting.


                                              let's be honest here he plays to have fun not to get better there's no way you'd waste 13000 games on a 50% win rate right

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                It's still weird, you'd expect somebody to have such mechanic ability at that point, that he'd easily outplay most opponents.