General Discussion

General Discussionsolo rank or party rank

solo rank or party rank in General Discussion

    Which of the following do you think is tougher?

    For me it's party

    Solo - high chance to get derps and account buyers

    Party - 5 man party queue at 5k has high chance to meet 5 man pro team


      5 man stacks at 5k+ is a bit suicidal and I try to avoid it, cz it will be either +5/-45 game, or we gonna facce 7ks with 5k party mmr cz they are actually the only ones playing 5 stacks at that lvl.

        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

          @Triplesteal yeah!!!! I keep getting +10/-40 games and im wondering how the hell did people even get to 6k on party. It's insane!!!


            what do you mean, as long as you have a party of members who have their roles, know what they do ofcourse its easier to play party.
            and there are rarely 5 pros queueing as 5 stack, its rather that you will have uneven mmr, and +5 -45 games and that sux.

            solo is tougher because you literally get random people who are supposedly around your skill and you are stuck with them regardless of them being good guys or avid flamers unlike the party where you can choose your teammates and laugh/spit jokes at eachother even while losing


              can a party member that you played 30+ games with tell you that he f*cked your mother, or tell you to get cancer and go k1ll yourself?
              or can he buy 30 couriers, or walk into enemy tower from min 1? i doubt it bratan


                when i used to stack with good players

                5 man stack was walk in the park

                but when i stack party with much lower skilled players and they need to be told what to do then yeah its much harder

                solo que depends on how many russians in my/enemy team


                  What i meant was that.. i find the games more intense when im queuing with a party of 5. Because the chances of me hitting another party of 5 is higher. With that being said, because both teams have played together for a v long time. I feel that the games in general are tougher

                  As for solo queue, although there's still skill involved. There's not much of "teamwork" as people would do their own stuff

                  Does the +5/-45 apply to other servers as well? I thought it only apply to SEA because we have lesser 5k's around


                    lmao, sunris i see that as a challenge

                    whiskey waters

                      when party, we just random and do whatever we want
                      same in solo



                        Probably party if you're 5 man, because @5k + it's mostly +5 and -45, so it's a lot harder for people to climb.