General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to have a good mindset?

How to have a good mindset? in General Discussion

    In solo queue I am fucking stuck
    I win some games, reach my highest mmr, then I just lose 4 games in a row , every time
    pls help teach me how to be not mad

    I think I can climb if I am consistent enough, my highest was 3438 and now I am 3339 (normal skill games are party mmr)

    sorry for blog

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    Night 夜

      Mute the crap out of everyone. Play your own game. Win.


        this worked older patches when I could play super selfish, farm untile six slotted and kill everyone
        no longer works because now every game there are 5 fucking people pushing mid at 10 minutes and if I play carry i have an undying in my lane


          remember that you are fighting in a free online game for more or less useless ranking points, and it should be fun for you, not something that makes you feel anxious. try to think less about mmr grinding, too; surprisingly, it may actually have positive impact on your ranking.


            i overcame anxiety long ago, problem is when i play solo i notice my errors much more and I start to tilt
            and i just play with friends if i want to chill and have fun, solo games are only for mmr tbh


              then just stop playing whenever you notice you start tilting. you can play some cs:go instead or w/e.

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                Play more meepo omni and morph ;-)

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                  yes, i should just stop playing when i tilt instead of losing more
                  @London Road: Omni is so boring for me actually, meepo is exausting and I can't spam him in ranked, maybe sometimes, and Morph is out of meta


                    Fuck meta @ 3,3k man i win games with offlane medus


                      For some reason I cant play hard carries in this patch, i just lose
                      AM and Morph were my favorite heroes


                        I got 80% with dusa in last 50 games

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                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          Do not I repeat play on the weekends if you play 3-5 position heroes.

                          If you play a 1-2 then fine. Then keep in mind if you play something currently easy Gyro/undying well even easier.


                            U have 57% win-rate in ranked. Play more games. You're already 4k player. That's all.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              play less


                                You talk to people irl, come back and act like a human being, increases your chances of winning greatly


                                  If you lose 2 in a row just stop playing for the day :o


                                    all i need is to reach 4k mmr and i will quit playing rank match and create new id to practice meepo
                                    right now keep stuck t 3.7-3.8k mmr
                                    its too hard once reach 3.8k

                                    3.3k-3.7k : too many gankers ( even carry doesnt farm)
                                    3.8k+ : too many farmers ( winning is based on item , not skills or pick )

                                    everytime before the game started i will go tinker, and tell my team these:

                                    do not random
                                    counter pick them
                                    use the hero u know how to play
                                    u guys can play rune as i rush travel and a hex player

                                    what happened next, they get freaking pawned by clock, storm and bara which supposed to be countering me but somehow its my teammates become their food.

                                    the only time i can gank and win alot is to go for party mmr with my frens which actually understand how to counter pick these 3 heroes


                                      ^How can u have 60% win-rate as Tinker in 800 games & be below 4k. How is that possible ? Why u nearly never buy dagon ? Dagon is amazing & core imo. Without dagon u have nearly 0 solo kill potential & depend on ur allies to do dmg. Hex first is also v. greedy & I think Bloodstone first is better in most cases (gives more mana, hp, easier to build, faster respawn etc.). I think if u didn't skip Dagon u would have even higher win-rate. Try also 2-2-2 build (then max march), it gives u better lane presence & u have kill potential in lane.

                                      Storm doesn't counter Tinker. I often pick Tinker to counter Storm lol. You can easily destroy him in lane by using 2-2-2 build. Storm got big vision nerf, so it's also now much harder to catch u. He also can't do shit to u without farm advantage (he just can't zip into double march even with orchid or he will just die). In late game Storm wins, but early game Tinker wins & mid game is even. When u play vs Clock u can go for Force Staff. Bara is a problem only when he camps u mid, I would just stack jungle & try to play as safe as possible. Your allies don't need to counter pick those 3 heroes. What u need when picking Tinker is 10-12min of free farming, so try to not pick him vs gank trains when ur allies have weak lanes (esp. jungler).

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        becoz in sea sever, dagon tinker wont work in late game , as i stated too many farmers in high lvl skills
                                        before this i played tinker with dagon, which actually worth a while until team start saying im ksing their kills, so now i go hex just in case my team carry failed, at least they have a chance to fight back

                                        n btw, i always go for 1st pick due to non-mid trust issue on others :(

                                        sometimes i wish i could play batrider freely w/o worrying my mid or carry failed, but its like 2 out of 10 games to get that kind of condition


                                          first get a good headset


                                            Before 3.7k:

                                            After reaching 3.7k:

                                            Should I start with dagon 1st?

                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                @mute and play, amazing how you have 800 games on tinker and at 60% winrate!

                                                I was calibrated at 3k, SEA server.
                                                3k - 3.3k = Support
                                                3.3k - 3.7k = Terrorblade spam
                                                3.7k - 4k = Dark Seer spam

                                                I hit 4002 solo mmr a few days ago, never played mid. Reached my goal before I start doing my thesis 8D

                                                >Try to not flame your team
                                                >Politely tell them to push with you at 20min or so
                                                >Never spam ">Well Played!"

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  ya i should try to be more positive, since ive been muting ppl who dont speak english in my team :(

                                                  will try again this evening and see how it goes


                                                    Hahahaha I feel you, most sea players almost never want to coordinate with you unless you can ping 100x a second. xD


                                                      i need 4k mmr then i can start go normal matchmaking and learn micro meepo ><


                                                        If you don't want to be mad play a really fun hero. Like Techies :Troll: Kaboom


                                                          tried to be positive,

                                                          this was yesterday's result:

                                                          i think im gonna gave up in sea server, its just to hard to convince ppl that play to win not to kill.

                                                          today gonna go back to my old routine, 1st pick tinker and mute everyone else till the end.



                                                            lol tinker is so sad


                                                              Listen to some bonobo songs, that's what i do.