General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

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    Clean sweep. Shouldn't have been difficult with 2 abandons on the other team


      Not bad performance actually, but you got 3 invisible teammates: Lifestealer with sb, Necrophos using shadow amulet and Riki as is. They countered it with Crystal Maiden (she's very hard support as I see).
      Almost useless Venge and Lifestealer too - he didn't got any good items.
      WR with dagon, lmao. >New Meta
      And shitty PA.

      Kamzor Mard Turant Mile

        6 deaths against that lineup is decent imo but 2.5 k heal is on the lower side i think (i m no io player though). good item choice but cud have farmed a glimmer or something considering a 50 min match



          12 deaths on an ember vs that lineup is retarded. Itemisation is proper, but the ONLY way to kill you, is if they get a pickoff on you where pudge blink and instabites you before you can react.
          Im assuming you got picked off repeatedly without a remnant in place to jump to.

          Im assuming you were mid, and it was an offlane QWvoker. So ill mention that your farm rate was bad as well. Your pos4 sk, and pos3 voker have more cs than you do.

          The entire game is retarded actually. Idk how enemy team laned, but their TA has psi blades maxed before meld and refraction.

          Atleast you won.


            Nice game dude i think the shadow fiend played really well and did his euls combos fine all the time so yeah he carried your game but i guess you did some nice ganks mid as bane, looks pretty decent just as your itemization, im not sure if aghs is too good on bane but this game you really needed the lockdown so yeah, i mean against an alch you just need items to kite. Nice game +

            dooooogshit team

              ooo yaa very guud man.


                Very low tower damage. Looks like you got carries. The item build is pretty on point though. Hopefully it wasn't Legion jungle.


                  Hmm, nice stomp there as meepo(s). Looks like the enemy didn't bother to disturb your farming time until it's too late.


                    Itemisation in your WW game was pretty good.
                    Since its "normal skill" Ill assume your high cs (relatively) was partially due to you pointlessly autoattacking creeps in lane.
                    But yea, Euls for jugger/Lc, glimmer for voker and lesh, cant really complain about your item build. Was pretty good.

                    Enemy team has 5 cores though.
                    Also, from what I've seen from my low mmr friends, anyone who ends the game with observers in their inventories, (You and the Lesh) are generally either wannabe supports who use it to claim that they warded entire game, when they only placed maybe 2 wards all game, OR are people who just buy wards, and then forget to place them for the entire duration of the game.

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                      Charteuse Gale

                        well you managed to win using wk vs diffu pl

                        need bkb i guess or mjonir than radience for pl


                          @Lone Eperity spec game. them graphs them 38.0 kda 700 gpm and it goes on. in short it was a stomp.


                            Actually, the high CS is the effect of me pushing all the lane with my Splinter Blast mid game. As for the ward, u don't know how pissed off myself when venom didn't help AT ALL on warding, which is quite annoying that i ended up buying too much i don't even know where to put it anymore.

                            Letting Riki get many kill is never a good idea. Maybe your team or even yourself should bring some dust to prevent him from getting out of control in the first place.

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                              Morph played well, relatively, you have the exact same item build you had the prev game, and ended game with obs leftover in inventory again.
                              SF had 20 deaths.
                              Also, "quite annoying that i ended up buying too much i don't even know where to put it anymore." is exactly what all my trench tier friends do. They dont ward for ages, and leave the stock in store at 4, and then they buy all 4 when game is almost over, or ages later, and then they dont even place them because theyre clueless.


                                Amazing farm with AM. Must've been very annoying for the enemy team.


                                  You clearly found and kept the light, good on you but maybe just a bit more versitility?


                                    Nice slark game after all these losses, FeelsGoodMan.

                                    PS: I did have a Rapier and BKB, but lost hope at the end.

                                    Pablo Picasso

                                      I can see your team lineup is at a disadvantage against them.

                                      Should considered getting Boots of Travel if team clash wasn't ideal without any decent Crowd-Control Strats. And some patience to look for opening and push.

                                      P.S. : Just had a Mind-Blown games over an hour to see who slipped off-the-guard.

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                                      Junior Abed
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                                          @Sunabonzu you carried your 47 mins 300 cs radiance octarine alche and a 2 10 score tiny along with tusk and silencer, wp on that =)

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            ^Nice farm i gotta say. Good AC and MKB pickup decent TD and GPM and you carried well :)

                                            Und wie ich an deinen namen sehe ist das ein wundervoller patch xD


                                              Alchemist with 80 cs there holy shit what is that, seems you had to 1v5 those scrubs. Wp.


                                                Nice one I guess your sheepstick won you the game when legion started dueling and am got to void decent man good hero damage overall but pretty bad TD


                                                  Welp, its a pub stomp and you did just that, stomp....rice fields are looking empty now
                                                  Edit: I Smell Smurf

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    Close game. Good job minimizing deaths on morphling.
                                                    The other team was pretty squishy (except Ursa) though. Against a team of really tanky heroes (your team), it's hard to win.

                                                    Nocturne of Shadows

                                                      They had better overall crowd control, more importantly, better teamfight ability, where you only had target lock ones. they took advantage out of it


                                                        LMAO going 50 kill and lost with tinker, i know your feel bro
                                                        you can kill everyone but you die twice and game is over, problem is no one pushed

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          nice mapo dude, 10k towerdamage 2 eblades ez stomp xd


                                                            nice windranger dude, 30.8k hero damage and desolator ez stomp xd


                                                              nice pl dude, 33 kda and 768 gpm ez stomp xd


                                                                bad wk dude, 19 assists 7 kills 4Head learn to lasthit heroes u scrub kappa


                                                                  Abandon LC is a blessing in disguise, I think? Gives you extra gold needed to push hard. Well played

                                                                  1st time using Medusa. Need advice on how to sustain her mana pool. Also, new player here. Nice to know you :)

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    Tough lineup for a Medusa there, but considering that you did pretty well.
                                                                    I would recommend you to buy a Manta style instead of the Mjolnirr though, it gives good stats and speed, and the illusions are great.
                                                                    Also consider Linkens for your mana problems.

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                                                                      pretty one sided stomp, but they were holding out for long

                                                                      Twas a lousy spell anyway

                                                                        Timber is a good hero, especially vs 4 strengths. It looks like your jugg had problems, maybe work on your baby sitting / supporting? You are much more familiar with mid laners.



                                                                          Started wrecking since min 1 with Ursa and PL.. Easy Game.. Easy Life


                                                                            I may not be qualified to comment, but after thinking about this....

                                                                            You didn't do much wrong, but the enemy team had a slight advantage in the draft because their team is more flexible (they stop rat DotA, have better gankers, and have multiple initiators in teamfights, and can teamfight at L6 [unlike PA or Invoker]). Your advantage is mostly in the late-game (PA > Jugg, Lina > Huskar), so you either needed to play more defensively (force staff) or go full counterattack by skipping blink for fast aghs or silver edge.

                                                                            Honestly, CM was the wrong pick for your team. Dazzle would have been better.

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                                                                              *I'm guessing Bot Match doesn't count so i'll comment on your viper game

                                                                              Easy game you got there. With 4 carry hero and no hard support, your enemy can't do much against yours.


                                                                                Good job supporting. You got an abandon but u got carried by the pudge who did and extremely good job. that 29 assist shoes u had a good team participation and didnt just afk rage after your team got an abandon. Wp!

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  Good void game, you went for the manfight build rather than depending on chrono. Seems like tusk created a lot of space before you came online, and once you did, you got some good chronos and manfight kills.

                                                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                    hah, I see you've been spamming LC a few times recently. Looks like a proper textbook LC, getting actual duel wins and snowballing onward from there. would have been a different game if that WW didn't abandon I think.

                                                                                    Travis Doodles

                                                                                      DK carry legit! :3


                                                                                        Managed to win with a windranger who rushed deso, ez game with greaves xd


                                                                                          u and juggy pwned them. They were never in the game. gg


                                                                                            Decent carry player


                                                                                              spiritbreaker roflshitstomping baddies. maybe if they had a few more forces and invoker provides a bit more control instead of mask of madness they couldve done something. gg


                                                                                                Looks like a support game of Naga siren? I like the pick up of Aghanims as the heal is really good for escaping and counter ganking. Overall it looks like you did your part of the team and managed to win the game, gg.

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