General Discussion

General Discussion[Question] Rush orchid

[Question] Rush orchid in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    How can you rush orchid on Natures Prophet? Is it good to get it as first item?

    Jay Ashborne

      Yes. You need boots or something as well most likely. And team coordination. I wouldn't count on that last one.


        Yes you can rush Orchid, and by doing that you build items that's required for Orchid.

        Usually you go something like:

        Phase/Treads (I think I'd personally go treads with Orchid cause of the scaling), then two int 450gold thingies and then you just finish each oblivions into recipe.

        If you're jungling uncontested you should have this at around ~12min. If things going bad, bad camps, bad ganks you might not get it as early, but Orchid usage loses its potentional early if the game isn't onesided.

        You might very well want to get a blink dagger with it, for insane gank potentional and mobility.