General Discussion

General DiscussionThe game starts..

The game starts.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Now.. what do you visualize, foresee or predict most of the time?


      Open suspicious players profile, Puerto Maldonado, Peru. We lost boys.


        Melody will try and be heard over the screams and meme shit of our 17 year old stackmates. Hopefully this results in enough coordination for an aggro tri. Our mid will trade farm or lose, but they'll win the aggro tri and I'll win or trade farm in the solo safelane. Towers will fall like it's 9/11, we'll force a fight and fuck it up, and the game will progress on with us having less of an advantage than we should but a good chunk of map control.

        Quick maffs


          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          ICE SKULL

            i mute my team, spam >check for runes

            if i see qb on my safe lane carry or offlaner as their first item choice, i go back and sell my items and start spamming couriers to enemy base so the game ends faster


              QB offlane sounds dumb but whats wrong with QB safelane? Theres low risk to spending on QB safelane for accelerated farm.

              You can use it to jungle afterwards and cut trees as well.


                So you grief the game just because someone spent 225 gold to ensure he gets almost all last hits and the offlaner can't deny?

                ICE SKULL

                  im the king of 4ks

                  ICE SKULL

                    you fucking faggots think u have an opinion but ur wrong

                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid
                      Ten komentarz został usunięty
                      kanye went to uni

                        ^^^But you can just get it at the side shop ... it isn't that hard to raise 225 gold in lane unless they're stomping you in which case you'd probably want a stout shield or ring of protection over a quelling blade anyway.

                        That and you go to like half health from one wave of creeps if your support pulls.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        ICE SKULL

                          oh hey i typed qb vs stout and this typed up


                          if ur too dumb to click a link, buying qb over stout is griefing

                          ICE SKULL

                            also like every dumb moron who buys qb uses the courier to send over salves/tangos (wonder why), if you cant imagine these scenarios in your head then dota isnt the game for you


                              melee carry needs stout + 2 regen most of the time so qb starts awful.

                              NO MAP (TEST)

                                my team spampicks mid heroes and everyone puts their hero icon on the middle lane, the other team doesn't pick anything and will pause after the time is up and try to counterpick the tinker / storm / sf trilane mid

                                Hex Sigma

                                  -Пошел на хуй, почему бы вам не помочь

                                  "here we go again"


                                    Do you even realise what you've wrote?

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