General Discussion


VALVE HATES ME MORE THAN YOU in General Discussion

    This is my first Solo Ranked game, i missclicked the search ranked match button and....
    Wonderful, i play better games on 2.2k mmr

    And sniper said warlok will come with me, so i go mid and didnt buy the courier.
    No warlok appears, the last pick was bristelback, so we didnt have courier and..... as i said after the 3 first min GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

    Ples Mercy

      i've had it worse, now stop crying.


        No no no, it's not worse in any way

        ICE SKULL

            bloodseeker jungle
            sniper mid
            you and riki bot, bristle top

            whats the problem???

            Ples Mercy


              dat shit made my day

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                The problem is: sniper bot with warlok (warlok was bristtle), riki and bloodseker top.

                I don't want to zapport this noobs so i go mid.

                This is my worst game in this acc and im frustrated cause is my first ranked. Autism is a serious disease, so stop trashtalk about.

                ICE SKULL

                  you called me "autist" in another thread, i'm afraid i don't have CHD8 mutation nor do i suffer from any disease or whatever besides a very common natural allergic in sweden known as "pollen"

                  however my advice for you is to go to one of these institutions (there are 13 in the world) and see if you could possibly have it, there is a 99.9% chance that you might have it based on your arguments and "elo hell" sympathizes


                    wave made me laugh brb killin myself


                      All the world is autist with more or less coeficient.

                      आप गे क्यों

                        writing is hard
                        reading what you wrote is hardly possible

                        reason y is lost is clear, u went midas carry on windranger - when there are clearly already 2 ganking carries and a walking food carry with the big gun


                          I will try again:
                          Everyone is autistic, but some more than others.
                          Everyone is autistic, but with different scales.


                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          Hex Sigma

                            You've gotta stop describing yourself x6, it may scare the lads.

                            Quick maffs

                              Interesting, its always the same idiots that laugh from those horrible jokes by wave, its funny how you 3 are so identical.

                              When i see someone insulting someone else over the internet with " autistic " i can only think how stupid that person is.

                              So you 3 are laughing from him because he got mad playing a game, and still you 3 care so much about a number of a game ( usually despising the ones with lower number )

                              How pathetic

                              Quick maffs

                                btw dont link that awful forum that is playdota, the only ones allowed to insult there are a bunch of 5k posts people with high mmr, any other person will get flamed.


                                  Nice reply, but i like being a bit flamed by 4k too if it's a constructive critic.

                                  Quick maffs

                                    There is diference beetween constructive criticism and 15 years old insults.

                                    "You are bad try to get better " that its constructive criticism ( a bit harsh but still you get the point )

                                    " u stopid fgt austitsc whore " that its how my 14 years old cousin writes on internet

                                    kanye went to uni

                                      Lol Dorkly don't you have a Playdota account? I remember seeing you posting there :D


                                        X6, you play better at 2.2k because you belong there (or maybe a little lower)

                                        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                          Players get owned and have to blame team on forum. sad qq.


                                            Wink, my main account now is in 3k again


                                              +700mmr on my main


                                                Wow, grats, you are finally equal to 90% of the trash in dota.

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  True average is like 2.6k :) he's better than like 60% or so


                                                    i will be with u soon, give me 3 months for have 4.7


                                                      if you claim to be any good you should be able to carry 2.2k mmr games no matter what
                                                      give your account to wave and im pretty sure he can carry every single game picking i dont know, ogre magi as carry


                                                        ^this is exactly right

                                                        Example of what happens when I queue with 2.6k mmr friend

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          Ok, let's see how much valve hates you.
                                                          You picked fourth and, knowing that your team needed supports, you went semi carry wr.
                                                          If you are not rushing bottle, then null talisman better than mantle + clarity (why would you need a clarity anyways). You took your skill point right after you spawned instead of waiting until you were in lane. Because of this (and OD getting an illusion rune) your first last hit came at 1:28.
                                                          4:00 and your creep score is 8/2 even when OD left the lane for a while to gank top. So far you haven't used powershot not even once despite you clearly suck at timing your rightclicks to last hit.
                                                          4:30 you say in all chat "we have no courier". Maybe if you didn't suck so much you could buy one. It costs 150g which is around 3 last hits, but you clearly can't farm.
                                                          5:30 you go to check the top rune... right after you killed od's 4-min-rune-illusions. Are you even thinking what are you doing?
                                                          7:30 holy fuck that was a horrible powershot, seriously.
                                                          8:00 your CS is 24/5 even though OD is not putting any pressure on you and has left the lane several times to control the runes and/or gank. You decide that your best option at this point (?!) is to get a naked midas (you don't have boots nor a tp to get back to lane).
                                                          9:30 you make it to mid lane again and lose half your hp right away because you stay for no reason in range of tidebringer. Still no boots.
                                                          11:30 brown boots op. You bought a courier and two tps as well, you might be decent at dota after all.
                                                          11:50 Your safelane t2 is getting pushed hard and instead of tping there, you WALK. Of course, by the time you get there your tower is already down
                                                          14:00 All you have is Phase boots and midas. CS 42/6, score 0/0/1. All that as a core WR. I stopped watching here.

                                                          Sorry dude, but you suck at this game. Your desition making is horrible as well as your mechanical skills. Good thing about being shit in this game is that you can always improve, but you have to stop thinking that you're better than your teammates when clearly you're not.


                                                            ^Dude, I would have ripped my eyes out watching a game like that


                                                              how is it even possible to get 20 cs @ 8 min in a uncontested lane?
                                                              i think even if you autoattack from the beggining you should achieve more


                                                                ^You literally should, I just tried it in a lobby.

                                                                Picked Windranger, got tango+null talisman
                                                                I autoattacked the nearest creep at every creepwave without any more changes to my attack pattern. I got my 20th CS at 6:25

                                                                [size=30]X6 is literally worse at CSing than an autoattacker.[/size]

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  I've been working on my Ranked Solo MMR and it's a piece of shit. How does other people rage quitting and abandoning affect my "skill" level aka MMR rating. Absolutely furious.


                                                                    ^statistically, the odds of your teammates being worse than the enemy team (implying you are better than everyone and therefore belong in a higher mmr) are 40%, so even though you will lose a lot of games, you should still climb steadily.


                                                                      everytime you lose someone gets rating

                                                                      be the one who gets rating

                                                                      i mean statistically game ruiners are more likely to be on the opponent team than yours if you dont ruin, its just that its really demoralizing to actually have them on your team at all

                                                                      so the important part is to stop, take a break and not to tilt.


                                                                        matchmaking is great

                                                                        ty fat gaben


                                                                          Hey its fractal my fellow dotabuffer


                                                                            hello :)

                                                                            sorry it wasn't a fair game rambosalad, if i was on my 5k account it would've been lol


                                                                              All of you who think "2k mmr I could carry that no problem bunch of noobs" are completely wrong. I played two games where I had people rage quit.
                                                                              First Example:
                                                                              Bloodseeker calls gg literally at the 2 min mark and heads to jungle. Whilst me and tiny are winning bot lane. I started as a support who later had to turn to carry to even have a chance at winning. I head top to help out since the two top decided to head to jungle. After we start getting some kills tiny goes to jungle while bloodseeker leaves it. After getting a few more kills we start falling behind because the other team wasn't completely retarded so they grouped up, tiny remains in the forest and says "Bloodseeker called gg at 2 mins". We slowly lose and face a brutal defeat.
                                                                              Second Example:
                                                                              Alright so another bloodseeker I already assumed the worst. Asks ta to help top. She does after several fail tps. He heads to fountain afk's entire game. I'm left to defend bot, i get shrekt. Invoker did well so i felt bad for him. I didn't do bad myself in the black hole department but in the end it didn't matter, too much feed in too little time.
                                                                              These games happened in a row valvo plis save meh.


                                                                                PM me after this Thursday, my exams will be done

                                                                                I can boost ur account by however much u want over 2 weeks (no more than 500~ cuz I have other stuff to do) for free, just don't come here and QQ when u fall back down to ur original rating

                                                                                I'd also bet a lot of money I'd win like 98+% of the games even if 1 person decides to rage quit early

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  its even better if they ragequit... less feed and more gold


                                                                                    lol at X6 if you dont' belong in this kind of mmr then why is it easy from me to get out of 2.3k mmr using my friends account? Hmmm


                                                                                      Ty, yeah i lost hope and i played like shit. My teammates was 4 stacked raging me all time.
                                                                                      My cs was bad, but i had a 29 denies in 10 min in a game vs a mirana in mid (i can do it better) so sometimes i do it so bad and sometimes i do it ok (i hesitate in 1-3.5k MMR)
                                                                                      100 cs the first 20 min is my average.

                                                                                      This time i was really better than my teammates.


                                                                                        Wr 29 deny in 10 min if u want check


                                                                                          mmr is accurate as fuck lol u belong in the correct mmr this has been proven 1000 times allrdy some guy like u was complaining about being in elo hell and its not his fault all the teams fault blah blah blah he was 2.5k mmr so some guy played his account for 1 month this guy was 4k on his account he got the 2.5k mmr to within 4k in a month i have made 3 accounts to also show that mmr is accurate all my accounts have fallen within 200 mmr of each other


                                                                                            Mmr is acurate, mmm.... not so, cause u can get very diffrent ppl in 3k (ultra bad players and decent ones) but yeah im so far from 4k if its what you want to say.


                                                                                              so stop playing dota ?? if u cannot accept that u have to play with 4 other players who will sometimes have off games or be outplayed by a superior opposing player that will inturn make ur game harder to win then dota is not for you


                                                                                                why do people expect there team mates to do amazing 100% of the time everygame and if they lose a lane or do 1 silly thing its the end of the world best take to the forums and start abusing them

                                                                                                we are all watching ti4 and even there team mates are stuffing up and throwing but you expect perfection in your scrub games


                                                                                                  100 cs at 20 minutes is nothing at 2k mmr. if you really dont belong there you need at least 120 creeps + 10 kills difference in favour


                                                                                                    nobody is decent at 3k, don't delude yourself lol


                                                                                                      "we are all watching ti4 and even there team mates are stuffing up and throwing but you expect perfection in your scrub games"

                                                                                                      Smartest thing i have heard in this forum for a while