General Discussion

General DiscussionVengeful Spirit is super fun to play

Vengeful Spirit is super fun to play in General Discussion
Protato BBnoZAR

    Started playing venge and enjoying it,any tips on gameplay would be nice


      Just don't be one of those people that blindly rushes Desolator while supporting

      Hex Sigma

        stick to supporting cuz carry venge is really not worth it. Oh and buy a force staff on her. Wait until you try dark seer, then you'll see real fun and versatility


          carry venge is totally working, it's just waaaay different to play from regular carry


            Rush Blink Dagger

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Carry venge = teampush. Not go Midas afk farm. If retards stopped doing this it would be great. PR really plays a great carry VS.


                Blink is quite good if you want to be able to initiate without dieing. Also is good for chasing.


                  ALWAYS get Arcane Boots on support VS, not Phase or treads or tranqs!
                  Almost always max stun first, then aura, then -armor (get 1 point of W at level 4)

                  Good items on VS: Medallion, Forcestaff, Blink, Hex, Necrobook, Atos, Urn

                  Situational items on VS: Mek, Drums, Vlads, Pipe, Orchid, Euls, Shivas, Linkens, Ghost Scepter, Halberd, veil(?)

                  Carry VS items: Phase/treads, drums, yasha, deso, daedalus, manta, AC, Mjolnir, MKB, skadi, satanic, butterfly, rapier

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                  Sugar Show

                    games played as venge: 3

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Correction : Carry VS items: Treads, Drums, Aquila, Yasha, BKB and Necro. If the game went any further than this you probably lost.


                        MEDALLION IS SO GOOD


                          dude thats sissy carry items

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                            Venge is a pretty crappy carry if you get her "conventional" carry items as well.


                              VS Carry: Manta rapier rapier rapier rapier rapier


                                "Blink is quite good if you want to be able to initiate without dieing."
                                Nether swap animation is kind of crud after the swap, you kind of get stunned, so swap+blink out is always going to be a very risky gameplan.
                                She doesn't need mana boots Wink, not unless you make a Mek or your team is mana hungry. If you can get away with phase or treads you become more useful in teamfights. She has a sufficient mana pool and high cooldowns.


                                  Best as support, since she is naturally agi, she can be pretty tanky for a support.
                                  One of the best medallion and force staff carrier

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                                  casual gamer

                                    Carry venge is fantastic. She has 2.6 str gain and 2.8 agi gain, making her naturally very very tanky against both physical and magical damage once she hits levels 20-25. She also has 2 mediocre steroids and some utility. My typical item progression is drums manta bfly, but builds like deso bkb also work.

                                    As a support you better fucking buy obs dust sentries etc, rushing drums manta as a support is retarded because the build is low impact on damage unless you actually get it in a timely manner. Rushing damage as support venge means u run into the problem that venge has low low base hp, and without high levels and farm allocation she dies very quickly.

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                                      I'd say you never go mana boots unless your team is ridiculously mana hungry/vs mana draining abilities.


                                        I always find myself roaming quite a bit as venge and the mana boots REALLY help me stay out of the fountain. If you rarely use your spells, dont get mana boots, but if you actually intend on using more than just 1 stun in a prolonged fight, get mana boots


                                          i had this VS who was playing with a void of all heroes and didnt take aura UNTIL LVL 10, fucking maxed -armor and kept flaming me all game. anyway kids dont skip aura

                                          Protato BBnoZAR

                                            thanks everyone I now see I made mistakes in my build I will try not rushing a deso
                                            but which is bettere force or blink or both?

                                            Jorges Sanz

                                              Force staff is the better and safer choice, smaller components as well as usable on allies. Being underlvled (which is usually the case when supporting) and having a dagger is useless when you dont have sufficient range from that lvl 2 or even lvl 3 swap.

                                              As to whether you should use swap offensively/defensively depends situationally and on the hero lineup as well as personal preference.


                                                Play venge with a friendly Bloodseeker if you get the chance. Pure gold