General Discussion

General DiscussionWater flood everywhere in Serbia

Water flood everywhere in Serbia in General Discussion
Strongmind Disaster in Serbia , very hard time in my country water everywhere cause of very high amount of raines in last few days,rivers just went wild. Not at my place in Belgrade but there are few Cities and vilages that are totaly with flood. Its not better in Bosnia and Croatia tho..

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      Bolje idi pomazi ili uradi nesto, nego da pises ovde, njih zabole kurac za to iskreno.

      Imam druga u Sapcu, sa kojim sam u kontaktu, kaze lik, nije normalno sta se desava.

      A za Bosnu i Hrvatsku da ne pricam, jadni oni

      Ali najaci su ovi likovi na fejsu, sto postavljaju statuse i pricaju ostalima da pomazu. Keyboard warriors

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        We get this about once or twice a year, but in regions less equipped to handle floods I could see it being a bigger deal. Like how they got two inches of snow in Atlanta this past winter and people freaked out down there.


          ^ the thing with it, is that people in this country aren't used to this kind of things ( well, not in this proportions ), so a lot of people are afraid, don't know what to do, or simply , special forces or police aren't capable of fast reaction and going to help.


            wish u the best bogi, hope everything goes well for u and ur family.


              Cale mi je dole u Kursevcu, ista situacija

              My dad is there in Krusevac now, same situation


                Gl with everything. You're lucky you still have internet/access to the computer I guess. Floods on the news and on the ground are very different things. I can say that from experience


                  We had massive floods last few years here in Slovenia, so i know how it feels. Wish you guys best of luck down there.


                    There are few cities in here , in which 70 - 80 % is without water or power. Bear in mind, that this aren't some small 10.000 people cities, but a rather larger one. I am kinda lucky, to be out of danger zone , but i got few friends out there, and they say it is pure horror. I hope everything gets better


                      why are u telling us this? DOTAbuff, not how is bogis nigger countrybuff


                        Azrael.G Sto ti ne pomazes?
                        Pomoci cu sutra tako sto cu dati nesto odece i hrane i donirati sutra u crveni krst, a ne idem u Sabac da pomazem jer ima previse vecl judi 5000 ima a trazilo se 1500 dobrovoljaca.

                        8=D Tnx bro,but dont worry I m fine..


                          I ja cu tako, nesto sam skupio, pa nosim u Crveni Krst.

                          Mnogo ljudi je otislo, valjda ce da ih bude dosta.


                            Nadam se, mada vode ako bude previse dzaba sve.. to ce se preliti . Daj boze da odbrane Sabac jer u suprotnom bice velika katastrofa jos gora nego u Obrenovcu + ce porasti Sava jos vise i bice posledice i za Bg ..


                              Ja sam u Nisu, pa sam kako tako udaljen, ali da, ako ode dalje, jebali smo jeza u ledja. Oni rekose jos sutra ce da pada, nadam se da ce tako da bude.

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                heard about it in a game. Some games people DC cuz of the flood. One guy I was playing with he sand bag his front door and use expoxy to seal the front door. Pretty crazy, I heard it was once in awhile flood.

                                Krazy Kat

                                  My house was destroyed in a flood 5 years ago. It was the worst thing I ever went through. I will say a prayer tonight for you and your people. Don't give up, and rebuild.


                           Disaster in city Obrenovac :(


                                      Krazy Kat Thanks man, I ll be totaly fine here is still good at my place but yes pray together for all other people here and wish them best in those hard times

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        I hope your internet dissapears forever you sack of shit



                                            You really think this is for fun? Making jokes about it? I really hope, non of you , gets this, what people did, last few days here.


                                              yes dude, it's black humor, this is dota forum so deal with it

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Holy shit some people are retarted

                                                Anyway Azrael ignore what people say, most of people here are fat nerds who never experienced anything like that in their lives.

                                                GL for you guys


                                                  good news


                                                    Daymn Son Didn`t expected anything less mature than that from you, kido. Anyway must dissapoint you my internet access and my home will be totaly fine.

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      Dat english.

                                                      Pls uninstall.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Because bad english = bad dota player right? You seriously are the most cancerous retard on this forum Blunt.


                                                          i dont get him either honestly. people taking "hate" too far on internet forums.


                                                            ^ agree.

                                                            just deal with the fact that English isn't the primary language of many people who play DoTA and move on kid


                                                              As if " dat " and " pls " is english language?


                                                                Daymn Son You are very sad guy.


                                                                  english is not my main language either but my english is perfect, did the schools in serbia get flooded too?

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    Just came back from the store with my sister, we've boght 5 bags of goods to send down in Serbia, it'll depart tonight.
                                                                    Hopefully people will make good use of it and eat a bit at least

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      "english is not my main language either but my english is perfect, did the schools in serbia get flooded too?"

                                                                      Congratulations dude, SERIOUSLY GRATZ I HOPE YOU ARE REALLY HAPPY WITH YOURSELF, but some people try to learn different languages or they use their time to learn other things.

                                                                      If you really think you need to know english to be intelligent or anything like that you are just another retard.


                                                                        relax mother theresa i was joking, my country is being flooded right now also since it's been raining for 1 month straight

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Oh, sorry i am kind of slow to get really really bad jokes


                                                                            i think you're just slow in general

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              Well we could ask people if they think that shit you wrote is funny


                                                                                we could but only if you stop being butthurt


                                                                                  ^pAcMANE is just another retard nobody cares about. No attention from his parents, nor any other poeple he associate with.
                                                                                  Hey pAc, your punctuation isn't perfect, I guess you're slow @learning too.


                                                                                    punctuation isnt english, but thx for giving me attention dangdang sama aka hentai loving virgin faggot


                                                                                      English is not everything. You're slow at learning pAcMANE. Life's tough. #Thuglife

                                                                                      Hentai makes me wet indeed. Wonder if you get on by watching it too, but you're probably too insecure on yourself to even try anything else than gayporn.

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                        im slow at learning what? this retard keeps making random insults rofl, go fap to your anime girls




                                                                                            so much hate for nothing, seriously, what's the point pAcMANE?
                                                                                            if you don't have someting intellingent to say, spare yourself the time, do something more productive.

                                                                                            Honest thought.


                                                                                              this is fun for me dude, im getting attention that i lack from my parents


                                                                                                dangdangsama please teach me how to be parents favorite child


                                                                                                  should i move in their basement?

                                                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                                                    wow this pacmane faggot

                                                                                                    i wouldn't troll serbs if i were you, bogidota is probably connected to serbian thugs or something have u seen his rl pic

                                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                                      @ SAM:


                                                                                                        did he send u dick pics too?