General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 peevs.

Dota 2 peevs. in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    What really pisses me off, when I play dota. That I observed from playing so many games. Feel free to add:

    Zues maxing chain and aoe last. Crystal Maiden rushing phase boots over vision wards.

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      Ability draft: people who draft the hero they are playing. Played against a team last night that drafted 3 of 4 aiblites on 3 heroes.

      I'm sure I've done 2. Or at least two of a another character, however. I'm generally okay with that. Why not just play AP?


        Rushing scepter on invoker and spamming 2 spells. MOST USELESS PEACE OF SHIT.

        Dire Wolf

          Pudge suicides. Seriously dumbest game mechanic ever, no skill, all random luck whether you get the kill or not.

          Jay Ashborne

            Single support teams.


              too many to count.

              Needless to say, all that matter is winning or losing.


                Single support team + WE NEED WARDS. Bitch, I need some farm and items, too.


                  If it is a high tier game, that is the wrong attitude.


                    spray + greed alch going vanguard and vlads


                      offlaners asking for help 3 min in "omg luna free farm gg!"

                      side lanes getting outplayed and then blaming mid for not losing his lane as well to help them

                      pudge on enemy team snowballing cause ur teammates suck dick and they all "how can u lose mid to pudge omg report"

                      call miss and ping like a mfk to a lane, ganker gets a double kill end they either tell "no miss?" or "lol u only say miss when hes already here"

                      much more im too lazy atm


                        Single suport teams +1
                        Support rushing Aghanims/Hand of Midas.


                          also forgot to add: jungle cores blindly rushing midas and making their team lose the game in 15 min, then complaining that their team sucks


                            The biggest pet peeve I have is being on a 2 support team, (I'm one support), and the other support is going for something like dagon and spams "need wards"


                              ^ +10000000000


                                It's so lovely when my teammates throw their nukes right in Medusa's ultimate (10/10 for Ravage).


                                  "gg mid no ganks" when all lanes are pushed out so I can't gank...

                                  Hex Sigma

                                    what pisses me off the most... hmm probably when my teammates dont coordinate. For example today i wanted to do a wombo combo with warlock(i was playing dark seer). So i type are you rdy? and he just ults straight into the creeps. But wait theres more he then just leaves his golems there you know doing nothing



                                      dusa tried to farm ancients but was lvl 4 on min 10...
                                      i hate when people try unusual stuff without practicing, thus ruining other ppl games.
                                      srsly, 'best' medusa i've ever seen


                                        i have a stack buddy plays:

                                        1) jungle enigma, only join team fight after blink AND bkb
                                        2) play lane support buy soul ring, boots over courier/upgrade and wards .
                                        3) play farmer. not carry.


                                          Let's go to Wethepeople and petition that:

                                          support should buy wards couriers/upgrade over boots and other fancy stuff.
                                          support should only buy anything >2500 gold when the game is in favor

                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                            another peev:

                                            Pub invoker with 0 ganks as mid... goes forcestaff & euls 30 mintues in.


                                              People who pick carries that don't contribute to the game for 30 minutes and can't farm without babysitting, and are given the time and space... the entire squad's backing you up, buddy... and then they buy items that don't make any sense or don't last hit half of the freefarm.
                                              People who slam pick Nature's Prophet because they want an excuse to never show up to a teamfight in their games. Splitpush is a valid strategy but too many NPs are afk most of the game and don't contribute to hero damage.

                                              Jorges Sanz

                                                Most annoying pet peeves

                                                1. Flying courier hovering over fatass shopkeeper in dire base, everytime i want to buy something i almost always have to go to the trouble of moving the courier out of the way first. This hasnt been fixed since the start of d2.... and im not into the habit of hotkeying the shopkeeper.

                                                2. Pathing problems around dire secret shop and shortcut to ss at dire mid (by cutting one tree), other areas have specific pathing problems as well just that i cant recall as of now

                                                3. Screen jumping halfway across the map which happens once in a while, though probably more of a technical issue.


                                                  Playing a blink initiator support without another support to buy support items while I save for Blink.

                                                  "Tide buy wards and smoke and deward and up courier pls"

                                                  "OMG Tide 30 mins no blink report pls"

                                                  Luckily that doesn't happen often.

                                                  I usually buy some wards/smoke when I'm playing that role, but it's hard when your team makes you buy all of the support stuff.

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                                                    +1 single support teams wrecked me last night.... Infuriating to no end.

                                                    WHY did I start playing all pick again? Stupidest mistake ever. At least I could force being captain in cm or cd and force 2 support type roles on people. F*** ALL PICK F*** pudge pickers F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    My blood pressure is high, but at least im almost done with work today on a SATURDAY WTF???? And I have to come in tomorrow because the other programmer sucks! Wait I'm wayyyy off topic....


                                                      The people who complain and claim they can't buy wards when they're the only support. Seriously? What do you think your role on the team is? With good ward coverage and just not feeding and you can win the game.

                                                      I try to support with a jungling crystal maiden(when I'm not snapping mirana). I buy one support item off the bat and then all support items after that. I crow, I buy all obs wards, and I don't trust my shithead teammates to support. So I jungle, rush tranquils, and then just buy all wards and create the space myself. I even bitch at the other support when I have one if they try to buy wards. It is, and should be, a single person's job so 2 people don't suffer gold setbacks.


                                                        what i hate the most is people stunning stunned targets

                                                        stop that

                                                        STOP WASTING STUNS

                                                        and when i have to ward myself as a carry and then actually get yelled at for not carrying because i had to buy WARDS lel

                                                        too good

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          I got forced into jungling as druid the other day. I was flamed by my team's 4 man stack when i bought sentries against the enemy's 6/0 riki.

                                                          Sometimes i wonder why i bother


                                                            i hate it when I pick sniper and my teammates say GG


                                                              i hate it when people pick sniper and dont let me say GG


                                                                ^ Winrate exploiter.





                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                      A storm spirit who all he does is KS. Then we lose and wonder what did mid do all game.

                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                        Players that can't accept constructive criticism~

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                                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                          Nature's prophet who takes aegis and split push instead of pushing high ground

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            Supports that refuse to ward, ks every kill and blame the carry for their loss because apparently sentries vs bounty are bad during lanestage


                                                                              Players that play the blame game. Just like most of you here.


                                                                                dazzles that grave you at 50%+ hp

                                                                                or dont grave u at all


                                                                                  When your support buys a mek but never uses it the whole game..


                                                                                    When someone chooses a unnecessary hero as the last pick, etc.

                                                                                    Loli Hentai

                                                                                      People not understanding there rolls, I've lost so many games where the supports think there carries and try then fail to carry then complain about getting KSed. Another thing is when your playing doing really well as mid and banking, going beyond godlike and stuff, then lose the game then get blamed for it, because your hard carry can't farm


                                                                                        pudge players

                                                                                        Lorne Malvo

                                                                                          People spamming for Living Armour 2 minutes into the game, usually when they are on 30% + health (and hiding under a tower with Tangos and zero aggro) because they are getting out played.. seriously? You need babysitting from outside your lane and it is my fault? Fuck you I need my mana for shit in my lane. If you can't hold your lane in for the first five minutes of the game it ain't me who is the noob... What, am I supposed to let my lane go to shit to cover your mistakes???? Fuck you all... you know who you are..

                                                                                          The tragedy of being in trash pool.....

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            shit tree players who actually have to be asked to give living have one fucking ability to use in the game............


                                                                                              ^^ Tree is OP for being able to support every lane during the early game...if you are using your mana solely to sustain your lane, you are playing Tree wrong. In fact, I stopped playing him when he was nerfed because I realized my global awareness was not good enough to adapt to both the longer CDs and the better opponents.


                                                                                                Your Doom/Lc/Naix afk farm the whole game and start bitching you for not standing 4v5


                                                                                                  The time when i go roshan solo and my team standing for nothing just leeching the exp


                                                                                                    The Living Amor reminds me, when people say "GIVE ME MANA MAN!!!!" to the KOTL player.


                                                                                                      When you ask your supports to pull and they respond with, "it's warded" and mid game they complain they are poor

                                                                                                      Seriously? Buy fucking 200 gold sentries and deward it and youll make that money back in one creep pull. Single support is fucking easy. I'm never broke

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