General Discussion

General DiscussionThe One and Only: Bogi vs. Blunt. Round 9001. Go?

The One and Only: Bogi vs. Blunt. Round 9001. Go? in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Naw its Sampson I stole a my brothers account after Fancy socks banned me for speaking in russian


      you have time to post here and read and lurk all these messages.
      I bet you can use that time to do the 1v1 it's only like 5 min or so.

      King of Low Prio

        Kinda sucks how this website promotes hate towards Russians

        Woof Woof

          hopefully they can ban u again

          King of Low Prio

            maybe since fancysocks is a otaku


            is acceptable


              i never seen this bogi guy on pubs. whats his rating anyway?


                he's an annoying dipshit that is permanently muted and spams emotes while being fucking useless. the stereotypical "russian". i believe he played ixdl eu open in the summer and was 700 rated while crying about his teammates there as well


                  his top heroes are brood legion so he is a kinda guy who wins if his team wins all of the lanes


                    the level of instigation is priceless. Love this forum sometimes. 1v1 mids were was always meaningless though...


                      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff 1v1 mid or riot.


                        Me like that mortal combat song!!!


                          Lol Sampson all you do is say stupid shit and glory in telling others that they're bad on this forum; ban was long overdue.

                          Quick maffs

                            "Kinda sucks how this website promotes hate towards Russians"

                            It doesnt, they told you to stop doing something and you didnt stop, simple right ?

                            Everyone loves Chibi

                              Sampson muted? :D God, there is justice out there.

                              About Bogi and Blunt - i always had impression Blunt is smarter (and better one), i guess i was badly wrong here. He's just a pussy who likes to talk a lot and when opportunity comes to prove it - he throw an useless (and very light) excuse and run. If you say shit, you better support it with something strong. It's more then clear he's scared to be revealed as a bad player who flames a guy who (abusing op heroes or not) can actually play in 4.5k range (which is fairly good).

                              Not saying i like Bogi nor i think he's good attitude-wise, but i respect someone who is skilled in something and isnt scared to prove it.

                              Btw - even if Blunt eventually get his shit together and actually plays this and lose, it's still no tragedy here. 1k mmr rating is enough of a difference to lose without any shame. But flaming someone with 1k rating over yours, thinking you're better and then avoiding a match - well, a person like just lost all credibility he (n)ever had.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                This ^


                                  Blunt you just lost all credibility on this forum..... Oh wait you never had any to begin with.


                                    wave your brain is even more damaged than Blunt`s one seems like. Talking non-sense about some slarks 40% win rate when I m 61% roflmao..


                                      after new patch mby?


                                        "BogiDotO 22 minutes ago
                                        wave your brain is even more damaged than Blunt`s one seems like. Talking non-sense about some slarks 40% win rate when I m 61% roflmao.."

                                        Not taking either side, but Bogi learn to read please.

                                        Slark 114 59.65% 2.82


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                                        Shinzou wo sasageyo

                                          i thought it's always obvious that blunt = 3.5k scrub?


                                            nlnj_a And why you share Blunts slark there?

                                            la the yeezy

                                              How could Blunt be busy with his schedule even though he played like 4-5 games today? Pussy

                                              bum farto

                                                BUMP BECAUSE FUNZIES!!!

                                                ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff 1v1 mid or I feed.

                                                Ples Mercy

                                                  LoL i forgot this exists.

                                                  Bogi, nice 28% winrate on TB


                                                    Just read this for the first time! Enjoyed it.

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      ur welcome!


                                                        GIFF 1v1 MID!!!



                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            thats just gay



                                                              Ples Mercy



                                                                  DELETED POST.

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                                                                  -apm 400 player
