General Discussion

General Discussionso how does mm work anyway?

so how does mm work anyway? in General Discussion
Ming (Zufälliger König)

    hint : invoker

    hes totally in a fucking different league

    Ten temat był edytowany

      probably stacks

      stacking w/my retarded rl friend: double kill at 00:12

      sk added me and was like wtf how you got in my matches

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      Ming (Zufälliger König)

        but still it shouldve balance out the skill ratings even if you're in stacks. that voker .. shd be matched with higher rated players than me or anyone else on my team lol.

        he alone totally ass raped everyone. literally
        i hate myself so much

        EZ MID 9k mmr

          Snowballed Invoker can be hard to stop.

          Ming (Zufälliger König)

            no hes not snowballing
            he is REALLY good lol

            im just wondering why did he get matched with scrubs like me

            gg volvo mm


              Been there too... Qop

              God, I really hated that QoP, and my team's Nevermore did too as she practically took a dump in his face in the mid lane. Luckily, Zeus and Tiny were far too scrubs to allow her to snowball her team into victory successfully. MM works in mysterious ways, you just don't question them.

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              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                i like your term "took a dump on his face"
                im literally laughing now hahahah


                  Lol that guy plays with people from MiTH
                  He's probably (or should be) at the top MMR
                  Say thanks to volvo

                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    ikr. thanks volvo gg disband

                    Primordial Soup

                      I remember you wanting to get matched with better people and now that you did, you cry? You confuse me

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        I can sort of see his problem...It's like asking for a chocolate bar and ending up being force-fed a kilo of chocolate instead.

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                          Technically, the best way to improve is meeting better players. I'd rather lose to good players than lose because of idiots in my team. I do occasionally get queued with total noobs on my side, but that only happens after a winning streak. I'm happy to say that most of my solo queue games these days are quite balanced. My win rate has taken a dive, but I'm a lot more content with MM now than a few months back.

                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                            actually, what happened to me was both.

                            losing to betetr people with idiots in my team. ......


                              Well you can always add me up if you're looking for more people to play with.

                              Main account: (doto iz serius biznes)
                              Secondary account: (yolo fun times)


                                God i still feel angry when i think of matches i have when someone in my team thinks riki is op and just runs around the whole map then blinks to ks
                                And evantually dies because the enemy knows what wards are

                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                  u play on sea?

                                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                    ill start with ur smurf
                                    i am scared im bad for ur doto :(


                                      OP >SO HOW DOES MM WORK ANYWAY?

                                      It doesn't.


                                        >SO HOW DOES MM WORK ANYWAY?
                                        flip a coin
                                        if heads you get idiots in your team
                                        if tails you get morons in your team


                                          does this website have an in game group / guild or whatever its called?

                                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                            it the coin stands upright, then u get that invoker as well as some guys from MitH and [A] or mabye na'vi in ur team
                                            at best, u get all of them 10v5 doto


                                              @RM Lordy If it did, 90% of the members would be scrubs who think they're better than they are. It's all part of self-serving bias. Your best bet is to add people you think played well, and learn from them.


                                                57% winrate is damm high...

                                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                  looking for decent stack sea server~


                                                    I had games where i just destroy people, and yea matchmaking is pretty retarded


                                                    my favorite one

                                                    some solo queue destruction
                                           im not even mid in this game

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      Just watched the replay. Your bottom got wrecked by abbadon/axe combo. Slardar feeding non-stop. 8 mintues in invoker has top last hits & denies. Korbeus usually eats mid tower by level 7 or 8, which she didn't do or gank the side lanes. A pity he went euls/midas mid game, he woulda gotten more kills with daedalus/dominator.


                                                        Voker Pull em out ez ;D


                                                          Can I just point out that it might be a little bit misleading to say that the only thing wrong with mm is that it always matches good people with idiots? I get idiots all the time too, people that should wreck the enemy with the hero that they have, and fail hard, but it happens on the other team too, just as often.

                                                          Yesterday I had two games in a row, stacking with a friend who consistently played in High+VHigh (myself being in the lower part of high) and we played against morons that made us question if they were trying to feed. It isn't always that bad, but trust me, you are not a special flower being fucked by the match making. MM fucks everyone else just as much too. You just don't notice it when you win because one of the enemies failed. You think it's because you are awesome.


                                                            3 reasons :
                                                            1.people pick heroes they are not familiar with.
                                                            2.bad lanes.
                                                            3.bad line up.

                                                            I think the main reason is number 1 which people pick heroes that they are not good at or familiar with. Reason being is because in most all pick games people random, and heroes like leshrac - lion- crystal maiden and so on are actually pretty hard to play for begginers and even advance player because it requires POSITIONING.

                                                            Some players pick support buy wards and buy courier - 10 mins in they started to feed 2 - 9 .
                                                            some ppl just straight up trolling or having a bad day.

                                                            but the biggest reason would be thay ppl cant play the heroes that they pickd good enough.

                                                            Woof Woof

                                                              ofc nature of dota 2 is to blame not valves shit garbage mm designed by braindead developer


                                                                Ya. he stacked with his noob friend.
                                                                That invoker has quite good winrate. all other players seem to be pretty bad (<50% wr).


                                                                  you check player skills by kda ratio not win rate
                                                                  above 4 k/d is who u want cause it means that these players knows how to kill heroes, knows how to farm and more importantly avoid deaths.

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                    still looking for stacks~
                                                                    latest game

                                                                    gg again


                                                                      This is how mm works.

                                                                      Balance, totally no problem.