General Discussion

General Discussion10 Stacking Diretide

10 Stacking Diretide in General Discussion

    Looking for 8 people to get most damage dealt for one cycle, must have would be Mumble and experience in the game itself (+300 wins should be enough).
    The rest will be explained later.
    If someone feels like trying to get the Platinum Roshan Baby (like me) and has enough optimism (unlike me) then go ahead and add me:

    *could be quite timeconsuming
    *decent english would help

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Ples Mercy

      i would love to join but i dont use mumble, only teamspeak

      -apm 400 player

        blunt are u down for tonight? =0

        Ples Mercy

          sure bro. Just go ahead and add me


            I think teamspeak would be possible


              I would love to give it a try and i can get teamspeak

              Trafalgar D. Water Law
                Ten komentarz został usunięty
                Cpt. Snow

                  I've added you, but my issue is that I also use team speak.

                  ANeMiA GRaViS

                    Do you still need players ?


                      Nope, we're 10 now


                        I am using teamspeak, but can download Mumble for this.
                        Have 1000+ wins, 51% win ratio, quite familiar with all heroes.
                        Europe East/West but good internet connection, so can try anywhere else.
                        If some of your members don't show up, feel free to add me.


                          Kinda short on people, looking for more right now!

                          King of Low Prio

                            ill come only if I can do diretide as bounty hunter


                              do you have a specific time?


                                if u still need people im up to it


                                  I try to gather people up at 6-7 PM @ GMT +1, so being online around this time should get you invited if we still need people.
