General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Dune, the Desert Planet

    G win rate, win streak
    B Dat Terrorblade


      G: You have pretty good top heroes and have a good winrate.

      B: Your winrate in late game (>60) is considerably lower than your average winrate. Maybe you can work on late game decisions as well? (And work on invoker I guess haha)


        G: Great to see a support player! you guys are so rare! :D Most played rubick with >50% WR is great.
        B: While supporting is good, you should also play a bit more of carries for a change and to understand their playstyle more! :)

        The Fault

          G: nice win rate dazzle

          B: bad kda pudge

          Rektdalf the White

            G: decent zeus KDA
            B: smurferino, Zeus spammer, bad zeus winrate

            Meepo Lord

              G: good win streak
              B: that winstreak will soon end T_T.


                good: decent sf and meepo player though you seem to die a lot...
                bad: can't win on dire side at all


                  good: nice winrates & KDAs on your top heroes
                  bad: witchdoctor winrate ruins the perfect portrait :(

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    g; veteran voker

                    b: scourge win rate, recent lpq

                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      G: good mid player, variety of mid heroes
                      b : apart from that invoker, your invoker stats are surprisingly bad given the fact that your other mid heroes are good,


                        g: i like carry players

                        b: normal skill


                          g: good winrate
                          b: tinker

                          the realm's delight

                            good: allison
                            bad: normal skill


                              Good: winrate is high
                              Bad: but that is due to the numbers being quite low

                              Hilf mir

                                Good: Decent Rubick winrate.
                                Bad: Too many abandons.


                                  G: Overall winrate with supports pretty decent ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                                  B: Winrate with branch is 39.33% WUT U DOING WIT UR LIFE


                                    G: nice winrate, especially meppo
                                    B: fucking meppo picker ;)

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      g: over 50% on all top heros
                                      b: very hs and hs mixed, play more ranked?


                                        G: good winrate on ES
                                        B: "ME MID" and ES picker


                                          g; really really good support player and nice top winrates with big number of matches

                                          b;doesnt play carry


                                            G: nice winrate/kda on carries
                                            B: Bad doesnt play support.

                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                g; win rate and support master race

                                                b: dies too much


                                                  +: High KDA, steadily rising xpm/gpm/lh/dn over the last 3 months, a great sign of overall improvement
                                                  -: Generally bad with support oriented heroes :x

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    + good es and over winrates
                                                    - confused that you are still only "high skill"


                                                      Good: commitment to Meepo
                                                      Bad: Slark + TB picker

                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        + Overall win rate; great Rubick player ( meaning high understanding of all heroes)
                                                        - Windrunner; Australia server


                                                          Good: Midpalyer with good scores on most of his top heroes
                                                          Bad: INVOKER MAN; INNVOKERR!! :)


                                                            Good: #6k road
                                                            Bad: making excuses to play with Bogi doto and cs go


                                                              [+] 400 games with broodmother with ~20% higher than average winrate.
                                                              [-] dies too much, resulting in somewhat low KDA ratio; it keeps decreasing in the last 3 months. Also rarely plays support heroes.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                + plays all roles, good win rate, awesome Spectre win rate and KDA

                                                                - scourge win rate, hasn't reached VHS yet, too few ranked games

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  Good: plays Captains Mode
                                                                  Bad: Seems to only play mid


                                                                    [+] Plays unpopular heroes ( e.g. Phoenix, Visage ) pretty well. Great mastery with Rubick.
                                                                    [-] Only ~10 Rubick plays in the last 3 months :<

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      good : nice winrate, especially spectre
                                                                      bad : clinkz KDA

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        Good: amazing win rate on abbadon given you're very high skill bracket and you have that many games. Same for nyx. >Well played!

                                                                        Bad: you play abbadon as a carry...


                                                                          g: really good winrate
                                                                          b: normal/high games only


                                                                            g: it seems u play any role very well, high w/rate on top heros

                                                                            b: normal- high skill


                                                                              good: south america, tinkur
                                                                              bad: south america, ES picker


                                                                                good: south america, tinkur sf and mid heros, vc joga muito bem
                                                                                bad: good: south america, smurf

                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                  + nice Earth Spirit and Ember Spirit

                                                                                  - dies a lot, scourge win rate


                                                                                    good : very good TA and SF , overall good mid

                                                                                    bad : Invoker winrate ??

                                                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                        +seems a pretty good support player
                                                                                        -low kdas


                                                                                          Good - a preety good carry player
                                                                                          Bad - tryhard bountyhunter and morphling


                                                                                            [G] You like Rapiers :D
                                                                                   Instead of second rapiera you should have gone for a Satanic

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                              + Very good Geo, Tinker and Tuskar; awesome win rate

                                                                                              - Low KDA apart from Tinker; SWM, Slark, Timber

                                                                                              What's your mmr?

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                              Meepo Lord

                                                                                                G: decent ta
                                                                                                B: you stole my supposed comment to potato ;P


                                                                                                  G: another sf lover ^^
                                                                                                  B: pretty low KDAs