According to your logic every team that does not have good stable performance should disband. Lmao.
These threads are not extremely serious but they are not completely retarded. This is jsut a "point". Of course they are not gonna disband wtf.
I do realize it, I just find it more annoying than funny seeing "disband plz" threads every time some decent team loses couple of games in a row. No good discussion can come out of it.
Mushi tried so hard to let Navi win too. But he just could not throw hard enough. Eventually he got bored, purchased bkb, and won the game.
Very nice forcestaffing...that was entertaining at least.
They don't understand that they shouldn't let an Alch freefarm. When they lose against Zenith Yamateh had a 11 min BF Treads. And of course Na'Vi ended up losing. When they won against Zenith however, they ran an aggresive trilane against Alch and the game quite easy after that point.
hey guys..sorry about the off topic. I just joined dotabuff and Im wondering why dotabuff only have stats from 5 months ago..
Hi ManonFire,
Please try and avoid hijacking threads. If you have just come back to dota2 after a break you may want to check your settings to make sure you have enabled public sharing. Refer to this
Else you may have to wait for it to update as it will in time but if not perhaps contact one of the admins on the forum for assitance.
Hi Gustavo. Just avoid Ming Vaikiss and Molest (is he that atm?) and you wil lbe fine.
And now they lose 0-2 to iG. Seriously, they sent Dendi Lina mid. He did quite fine but went for a fucking Shadow Blade into MoM.
Maybe you should disband with your comments? You don't really have to come here and write down something if you are not interested in the thread.
Mushi was so ahead in farm with his Alch but still risked throwing the game, refused to get bkb until really late.
That game Na'vi played well after they got way behind, surprised they managed to hang in there for so long and win some big fights. At the end the early game lead orange had was too much.
Navi and IG are both not playing as well as they could at the moment, if they want to win TI again they need to bring their A game back.
it's better to be understimate at Ti3 then be a favored. Maybe it's a strat on the big picture , they just test some strats at this tourney and not play 100% at their real potential. I pretty sure their performance at TI will be difrent.
Partially, yes teams are trying new things...for instance Navi had Xboct play lina support today. But they are really trying to win and the mistakes are real. No one goes into a game to throw it for some kind of physiological metagame advantage.
Changing roles and strategies causes mistakes. Its better to make those in less important tournaments.
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Na'Vi had 3 bo2 series and they have won only 1 game so far and that was against Zenith. They lost 2-0 to both TongFu and Orange. If they can't even win games (not even series) against these teams what are they even supposed to do in TI3?